But I finally got it finished and given to the happy couple this week! Here is the journey:
This is the (ugly) dresser. And Yes it came with that many knobs...just like that.
And so it begins...
First I primed it with this:
Then I spray painted it with Krylon Spray Paint (Indoor/Outdoor Gloss - Color: Ivory)
When you buy the glaze you have to tell them that you want it tented - I got mine tented black. Glazing gives an antiquey (yeah I made that word up) look.
First you put it on with a paint brush or rag. Then, right after putting it on (don't let it sit & dry), you wipe it off with a barely damp cloth. Make sure you get it in all the nooks & cranny's.
Then I filled in some of the drawer knob holes because there was a ridiculous amount of knob holes!!!
While letting the wood filler dry, I spray painted my knobs. I ended up buying 4 knobs from hobby lobby (at 1/2 off!) because there wasn't enough knobs that actually came with the dresser to fill all the holes, even AFTER filling in some of them!!
Then I sanded the wood filler off and glazed the drawers. I let everything dry well and then put the knobs on and VUALA!!
Pretty huh?! Well, at least A LOT better than what it was!!
Also I have to give props to my amazing mom who helped me A LOT with this project - she's kind of an expert ;-)
Here is the cost run down:
Dresser: $15
(paid too much for it - shouldn't have budged at $10, oh well, next time!)
Spray Paint Cans (Including Primer): 5 @ $3.50 ea = $17.50
Knobs: 4 @ $1.50 ea = $6
Glaze: ~$10 (my mom bought this so I don't know how much it cost...)
TOTAL: $48.50 (for me $38.50)
Not too bad for a pretty good looking dresser! But my goal is to go cheaper next time!
This project was pretty fun and I can't wait to do more in the near future!!
Good job Holly! Didn't know you had a blog until your Mom mentioned it on Facebook. Have a blessed Christmas...I'll have to check back later.