Saturday, December 10, 2011

Aiven's Baby Dedication

A few weeks back on Sunday, November 13th Aiven had his baby dedication at our church, Denton Bible Church! It was a time for us to go before our congregation and pledge that we, as Aiven's parents, will raise him in a godly way, teaching him the Gospel of Christ.

Tommy Nelson, our pastor, wrote a letter to us that better explains what a baby dedication is. Here is a part of his letter:

"There is nothing saving in a dedication. At Denton Bible we don't baptize babies because a parent cannot bring a child into-covenant with God. The child alone can believe the gospel.  There is nothing magical about a dedication. It does nothing to insure a child's salvation or a blessed life.
So what is a dedication? It is the public accountability of a parent to model a godly life and to raise their child in the discipline and teaching of Jesus Christ and in the fellowship of His church." 

He also asked some questions in his letter to help us remember the way we ought to be living, I pray we think of and reflect on these questions often:

"Is the environment and home life the two of you create such a one as to promote happiness and peace in your child?"

"Do the two of you seek to model the biblical roles of a husband and wife? As a husband do you seek to be the spiritual leader of your home? Do you as a wife seek to follow the role of a submissive and godly wife?"

"Will you faithfully meet with Christ's church in worship?"

"Will this child be raised in truth and righteousness?"

These questions are so good to remind and convict us to live by them.  Our desire is for these questions to have the answer be 'yes' to them 100% of the time....unfortunately though we are sinners, but thanks to the grace of God and His Holy Spirit we can try and succeed at times...

It was a nice day, here are some more pictures....

walking up on stage with our little (aka big) bundle of joy

 This picture cracks me up - it looks like we drugged him beforehand so he would be good! haha - he was just sleepy, I promise!

Aiven's grandparent's (minus Mimi!)  - and yes, he has SEVEN total grandparents :-)
He's gonna be one spoiled rotten kid!

Also, I thought I'd throw in some family pics that my mom took of us at her house a few weeks back:

 He was getting tired and cranky...
haha he was NOT happy - nice picture of James and I though! 

Happy Saturday!!!

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