Aiven will be 4 months old on Sunday - I can't believe it! I've loved every most of the past four months. It does mean that it's been 4 months (well longer since I had to get up to pee every few hours while I was pregnant) since I've have a full 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Of course it's gotten better as the weeks passed.
When he was first born I was only sleeping maybe 2 hours at a time. As rough as that sounds, I wasn't as tired as I should have been because I knew he needed it. And also for the first month at least I wouldn't let him sleep longer than 4 or 5 hours (which didn't really happen anyways) because of breastfeeding and wanting to keep a good milk supply. But after that first month or so he started sleeping a little longer and then eventually he only would wake up twice a night and then down to once a night.
So really, from what I hear from other mom's, I've had it pretty good. And in the past few weeks about once a week he'll sleep the whole night, about 7-8 1/2 hours. When this happens I get this little glimmer of hope and pray hard that it continues every night from then on...which it still has yet to do. This it was makes it hard. I get a full night's sleep, now knowing that he is capable of sleeping the whole night, only to get woken up the following night at 3 am. This has been frustrating to me. I've been praying, and have other people praying as well, that he starts to sleep all night every night.
However, I have been thinking about this and have realized that I need to be praying about my heart and the way I react & feel when he cries to be fed in the middle of the night. I need to be joyful and content as I hear that cry of hunger, even if it's woken me up at 3 in the morning. I've realized that I need to cherish this time because he won't need me like this forever. I need to enjoy the time alone with my baby, giving him what he needs. So I pray tonight I awake with a joyful heart as I stumble to the crib to comfort my baby....
"...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Philippians 4:11
Holly, I can totally relate to this post. Even though Eva is only 6 weeks old there are moments when I long for her to sleep through the night and times when I think, "Oh NO" when I hear her crying to be fed during the night. But I agree that it is a sweet blessing to be able to feed my baby even if it is the middle of the night. When I feed her and rock with her I just pray over her and remind myself to appreciate her cuddles and the way she needs me.